Didactic Videos
We have prepared a series of inspirational didactic videos filled with ideas on how to work with Number Town.
Word Problems
1. Visualizing a Story
We tell children stories and they visualize them using playing cards on the board.
2. Creating a Story
We create a situation on the playing board using cards and let children make up a story that could play out.
3. From Story to Question
We create a situation or a story on the playing board using cards and let children come up with questions related to the story.
4. From Story to Calculation
We tell children a story. They visualize it on the playing board using cards and come up with a calculation related to the story.
5. From Calculation to Story
We create a calculation on the playing board. We have children create a story related to this calculation. They visualize the story using cards on the playing board.
6. Solving Word Problems
After reading a word problem, children will pick appropriate cards and visualize the story. Then they write it as a calculation and solve it. If they can’t find an appropriate image, they can use monochrome cards as a substitute.
7. Quantity
We perceive numbers in different representations and children should gradually familiarize themselves with them. The most natural representation of number is quantity.
8. Address
We perceive numbers in different representations and children should gradually familiarize themselves with them. The second representation of number is address, sequence.
9. Change
We perceive numbers in different representations and children should gradually familiarize themselves with them. The third representation of number is change.
10. Symmetry
Laying down cards in axial symmetry.
11. Addition
Understanding the basics of numerical operations stems from object manipulation. We use simple examples to show children WHY we calculate the way we do.
12. Subtraction
Understanding the basics of numerical operations stems from object manipulation. We use simple examples to show children WHY we calculate the way we do.